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”Helsinkiin ympäristötieteitä opiskelemaan eksynyt raskaan musiikin ystävä. Suurimman osan ajasta elän kuulokkeet korvilla ja niissä soi pääasiassa trässiä, dödistä ja progressiivista metallia. Mulle voi tulla aina juttelee, oon ihan mukava mutta ehkä vähän porilaine. ”

Eetu Tahvonen
Varapuheenjohtaja, Häirintäyhdyshenkilö

One of the older Ancient Ones, originally joined the club as an English freshman way back when. Now featured also a board member. Pretty wide metal tastes. Recent listening has been leaning on death, doom, and black metal. Also likes thrash, trad, and progressive stuff. Among the club's resident chili enthusiasts.

Photo Credit: Khoa Vu, @khoavu299

Nella Forssas

A language student who accidentally found Hyrmy and became a board member almost instantly. My favourite genres are probably power metal and industrial metal, and every year my most listened artist on Spotify is Sabaton, of course.”

Valtteri Viitikko
Sihteeri, Tiedottaja

”A civil engineer fully immersed in working life, with a calendar that’s never empty. A proud East Helsinki native and black metal enthusiast. The radio regularly plays ancient Nordic folk as well. Grim tremolo riffs and deep esoteric discussions are always on the table.”

Iida Ronkainen
, Yhdenvertaisuusvastaava

”Tactical jack-of-all-trades who can be found somewhere, being busy with something almost 90% of the time. This individual usually consumes her metal black but is still very open to, for example, death metal or basically anything else. I'm always happy to help you or speak with you in every situation :).”

Iida Hermonen
Häirintäyhdyshenkilö, Tiedottaja

”deep in the forest there is a lake, where a näkki resides. this näkki does not know how to play the violin, but screams and growls as much as possible. the näkki is especially happy with pagan, folk, black, death, and pretty much all sorts of metal. you can even come show your progressive metal side project and i'll gladly listen to it. yes, just step all the way into the lake now”

Anna Jubele
Tapahtumavastaava, Ympäristövastaava

Webmaster &

”Studying agricultural sciences, however, I'm not from the countryside. Some of my hobbies are singing and horseback archery."

HYRMY Officials

Matti Myllynen

”Hyrmyn entinen puheenjohtaja, joka lähti veroja pakoon Ruotsiin.”